Whole Life Freedom – Wholeness Coaching with Kirsten Larsen

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3 Breathwork Patterns to Release Anxiety

Our breath is powerful. As I’ve talked about before, it’s even in the bible in a powerful way:

Breath and spirit are indicated by the same word in both Hebrew and Greek. I can use my breath to bring my spirit into stillness. 

breathing is a behavior, not just a physical action our bodies do

When we control our breath, we can get angry, we can communicate, we can enter into either a peaceful place or a panic attack. There is a deep psychological journey.

God breathed into our nostrils to give us life:
Genesis 2:7 – “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
nâphach, naw-fakh’; literally, to inflate, blow hard,  blow, breath, cause to lose (life)

Practically speaking, Breathing can:

  • Self Regulate emotions
  • Improve the health of the nervous system.
  • Reduce brain fog and fatigue. 
  • Increase creativity, performance, and feelings of enjoyment
  • Is the steering wheel of the nervous system
  • Determines our lifespan
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Encourages proper lymph function
  • Impacts our focus and concentration
  • Influences blood pressure and flow
  • Is everything…

So, in this video, we will cover the mind-body-spirit connection, and specifically share 3 powerful breathing techniques that can shift you, and those around you, out of anxiety or overwhelm.


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Kirsten Larsen is a Christian wholeness coach, helping people get breakthroughs in emotional, physical, and spiritual freedom. She has been walking with God for over 20 years, in ministry, and pursuing physical and emotional health. You can sign up for a Free Discovery session at WholeLifeFreedom.com/schedule

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