Whole Life Freedom – Wholeness Coaching with Kirsten Larsen

A Wholeness Approach to

Break Free From Lack & Limitation

And Step Into God's Abundance

OCTOBER 18, 2024 @ 12PM PST (3PM EST)

Live Workshop Details

As the Fall season brings the natural rhythm of harvest, this is a perfect time to step into God’s abundance. This workshop will help you shift your perspective on abundance—moving beyond financial gain to recognizing the fullness of God’s love, grace, peace, and hope in your life. You’ll learn how to align your heart with God’s unlimited nature, healing any areas where you’ve experienced lack, discouragement, or limiting beliefs about abundance.

Through powerful meditation, breathwork, and prayer, you’ll explore how to release the blockages that have held you back from experiencing the fullness of God’s provision in every area of your life. This is for anyone seeking to unlock new levels of trust in God’s abundant heart.

Only $37 $17

(Early bird now through end of day Tuesday 10/15)

*Anyone who registers will receive lifetime access to the workshop. So, whether you can make it live or not, you’ll be able to receive it!

What you will learn

Why me ... why abundance?

If you know me, or have followed me, you’ll know that “abundance” isn’t necessarily my teaching topic … HOWEVER, wholeness is. And I see the areas of lack and limits come up over and over in my coaching. The removal of lack and limitation have been a lifelong personal pursuit, professional endeavor, and learning experience. 

I’ll be approaching this workshop from a wholeness perspective. Most people think of abundance as purely financial. But I have come to find that abundance is really a way of living and a belief system. What we believe affects our body, mind, heart, and spirit. 

I have spent the last 20 years working on breaking through my own limits in every area when it comes to living in God’s abundance and stepping out of lack mindsets, rhythms, and lifestyles.

I wrestled with a limited and lack mentality for a very long time. Most of the time, I didn’t even know it … until I did. What does that mean? 

Think of the elephant with the rope attached to it. We’ve all heard that story:

The baby elephant grows up with a chain around its ankle as a baby. It learns quickly that it can’t break free or go beyond a few feet. 

As it grows up, that memory is SO strong, that they can tie a light rope around the adult, grown elephant to a small wooden peg and the elephant won’t go beyond the sensation of the rope. Why? It learned early on in childhood that that physical sensation was their limit.

People different to the elephants in that we have the capacity to heal the wiring of our brain (through brain retraining), we have the capacity to heal how our bodies perceive threats (the experience of lack and limitations), and we have a spirit that is connected to an abundant limitless God who is kind and loving. 

But, people are similar to the elephants in one way: we experience physical, mental, and emotional “sensations” that demonstrate that we’re still living from our perceived lack or limitations. 

This is why I believe that it’s such a key ingredient to approach this from a wholeness perspective.

What would happen if:

  • You begin healing the way your physical body responds to limitations.
  • You now have the tools to rewire your brain‘s understanding of lack. 
  • You can begin to look at your life through a lens of being a whole person. 
  • You can truly connect with your heart to a limitless God who’s loving and kind.
  • You can look at every area of your life and start to step into abundance.

What you will receive

About Kirsten Larsen

Hey there! My name is Kirsten Larsen and I am excited that you’re here. I’ve been on quite a long journey to get here, as I’m sure you have. My journey consists of burnout, health issues, anxiety, depression, Fibromyalgia, healing from trauma, deep lasting fatigue, and many limiting beliefs. Through it all, I sought God, I looked for answers, and was able to experience deep healing and freedom in all of these areas. Jesus is good!

In that process, I moved through a lengthy list of certifications, not so that I could have them to my name, but so that I could truly learn how the body, the mind, the heart, and the spirit work together. A few include Advanced Sozo, HeartMath for Stress & Trauma resilience, Clinical EFT, Trauma Resilience, 3 nutritional certifications,  3 movement certifications, functional breathwork, and more. I believe God has the full capacity to heal us in every way shape and form. Through all of this, I have seen that when we can partner with HOW God has created us, we get to journey towards profound breakthrough and wholeness.

Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.

– 3 John 1:2

It's time to break past barriers and limitations!

Step Into God's Abundance

Body • Soul • Spirit

OCTOBER 18, 2024 @ 12:00 PM PST (3PM EST)

Only $37 $17

(Now through end of day Tuesday 10/15)

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