Whole Life Freedom – Wholeness Coaching with Kirsten Larsen

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Be Transformed by Using Your Words (Affirmations & Declarations)


As I write this, we’re nearing the end of an “epic” and wild year: 2020. We’ve all had to find so many ways of managing all that’s gone on, and continues to go on. I wanted to share one tool that I’ve found to be incredibly powerful and helpful. That tool is: intentionally using my words. These words have come in the way of simply shifting HOW I speak about this year or my own situation, or Declarations and Affirmations.

I have put them on my Notes app in my phone, written on 3″x5″ notecards, and recorded my own voice in my Voice Memos. It has literally transformed the way I see things, my health, my energy, and my ability to move forward in new ways.

My mornings and evenings are filled with wonderful words. And when I get discouraged, irritated, or even just low in energy during the day, I pull out my declarations and things begin to shift.

It’s been so powerful that I wanted to share and hopefully impart some hope as you join me in believing for newer and better things ahead.

Did you know that your words have power?

Or maybe I should say: Do you know HOW MUCH power your words have?

Not in some “woo woo” sort of way, but true transformative power to increase your energy and heal your body. Your words can help turn a situation from stressful to something you actually look forward to.

We all say declarations and affirmations over ourselves, our lives, and others daily. For example, how many times have you, or someone you know, said of yourself “I don’t look good in this shirt” or “Oh, I just can’t do that, I never have been able to.” Or when it comes to your health, do you speak about your genes, your body, and your ability to take good care of yourself with love, kindness, and hope? Or is it generally words that put you down? Have you ever noticed that it seems easier to use put-down words on ourselves in ways we’d never dream of speaking over other people?

The amazing thing is, once you start listening, you really hear what you—and those around you—are saying. Is it positive or negative? Is it life-giving or life-draining? Most often, it’s one or the other.

A Fun Little Study

Did you know that according to quantum physics and the study of sound, our voice is one of the most powerful sounds that your body needs to hear?

Inspired by the uniqueness and beauty of snowflakes, Dr. Emoto spent years studying the effects of intention, prayer, and music on water. Time and again, his studies proved that both positive and negative thoughts, words, and intentions had corresponding effects on the delicate crystalline structures.

When prayers and thoughts of love, kindness, or gratitude were focused on water, beautiful crystalline structures were formed. The same thing occurred while playing classical music. To the contrary, playing heavy metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals. Likewise, writing words like, “Fool, “I hate you,” or even “Adolph Hitler” on water containers caused the crystal structures to literally look sick, dirty, and misshapen.

According to Emoto, words carry the ability to either create or destroy. His message is simple, yet far reaching:

“The vibration of good words has a positive effect on our world, whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy.” (1)

There’s WAY more to this than just this simple study. God spoke us into existence and also created us in His image. We’re made to speak creatively and to declare transformation.

Job 22:28 says: “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you”

BUT, if that weren’t enough, think about how powerful it is when someone says one negative thing about you. Ouch. They may have said 100 positive things, but today, that one negative thing they said 10 years ago, still hurts. It stings. Words have power.

In traumatic instances, those words will be linked to the full memory and sensory experience. Wow. That old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” couldn’t be more wrong.

“Researchers have shown that hurt feelings from words affect the same area in the brain – the cingulate gyrus – as a broken bone or injury” – Dr. Caroline Leaf

The exciting part is that the brain ALSO responds to positive words and we can literally re-wire our brain to begin believing powerful things that will transform our health, our energy, and our lives.

So, HOW do we do this?


As a primarily introverted thinker, this one has been the most difficult for me. That’s why I start with this one first. However, I would say that even extroverted thinkers have the need to shift HOW they speak. Whether you prefer your thoughts to be kept inside, or you prefer to process them outside, there is still a strong need for recognizing what you say and how you say it.

So, something that I learned along the way is that I need to be intentional about using my words for good. And not just in everyday conversation. I need to declare things over my life, into my body, and into my day … as often as I can.

Again, in true transparency, I wouldn’t think of this one naturally, but I will say with full confidence, if you begin to employ even a tiny bit of this type of speaking, you will see a shift in the way you think and even look at life.

Why? It is the way we are neurologically wired.

Our brains and our bodies listen to the words we think. No matter how strange that might sound, it is true.

If you’re consistently speaking negative words over your health, your day, your work, your relationships, you’ll see those things come true, and thus “prove” that you were telling the truth.

Here’s the thing: if you want to renew your mind, you have to renew how you speak.

So, how do we do that? I’ve got two methods of doing this intentionally that are really helpful.

But before I move on, I’d like to mention something that is also very important: this is not just about “positive thinking” or “positive speaking”. No, your brain actually has to emotionally, visually, and truthfully connect with the words you’re saying.


What’s the difference?

A declaration is a powerful statement about things that you are declaring into your life with intention. For example, “I declare new life, health, strength and energy into my body daily.”

An affirmation is a powerful statement about who you are. They are generally meant to lead you into a more powerful future, but can also be statements about who you are now when you need to hear it and be reminded. For example: “I am filled with strength, energy, and I take my

What you’ll notice about both is that they are NOT saying something that you will do or be in the future. They are present, intentional, and positive.

However, it’s very important to note that they’ve done studies that when you just try and think positively, but you don’t actually believe it, it creates stress inside and you end up forming thoughts against what you’re speaking (see below*).

I think we’ve all experienced this: we start saying some affirmations or declarations and then realize that when I say “I am beautiful” and I don’t believe it, it actually reinforces the thought “No I am not”. So we need to ALSO address the feelings and emotions behind what we say (see below*).

This can be alleviated in a few ways: 

  1. FIRST: Start with declarations/affirmations that are positive and that you do believe.
    As your brain and body experience the breakthrough, you will grow from there. For example, if you don’t believe you’re beautiful, then start with something simple that is in the positive. You don’t want to say “I am not ugly” or “thank goodness I don’t look like so and so”. What is something you can agree with about yourself? Maybe it’s simple, like: “I have a nice nose.”
  2. SECOND: Simply do a detox of negative words.
    We detox foods all of the time, but what about words? It’s just as powerful for our mind, body, and spirit. You will naturally have to begin speaking out positive shifts to things and find our own language. Again, as you feel the shift, you’ll want to believe even greater things.
  3. THIRD: Use pre-written affirmations and declarations until you develop your own.
    Even after you’ve developed your own, you’ll find that pre-written ones can often highlight what we don’t believe about ourselves. For example, when you read off some of the ones below, how do you feel? Do you believe them? Or do you feel as though something inside of you says they might not be true? Pay attention to those thoughts.


STEP 3: Engage Your Whole Self in the Process

If you really want to engage your words in such a way that create transformation in your life, practice the following:

  • Align your heart, your mind, and your body with the words you’re saying.
  • Visualize it. Imagine it being reality in your life.
  • Attach your emotions to the words you’re saying.
  • Connect your spirit to it as you speak it.
  • Address any limiting beliefs around limiting and negative words and make


*Address limiting beliefs or negative thoughts that come up: Don’t just keep declaring past them. Address the emotions, the feelings, and the thoughts. If you need to forgive, then forgive. If you need to let that place be healed, then let it be healed. Walk through a process where you can address why you don’t believe it.


I am full of love.

I am strong.

I am an overcomer.

I take good care of myself, body, soul, and spirit.

I love and take care of those around me.

When I listen to my body, I am happier and healthier.

Today, I respect the signals my body provides to me. I trust the wisdom of my body. I work with my body instead of against it.

I also listen to my spirit.

I feed my spirit, focus my mind, and train my body.

I focus my mind on the things that matter. I know what matters in my life, and those are the things that get my attention. I avoid wasting my mental energy on things that are of little consequence or beyond my control.

My ability to focus grows greater each day. I am in control of my thoughts and attention. My mind is focused on my goals. I reject all distractions. I have the focus of a monk.

I train my body. This is the only body I have, so I respect it greatly. I take wonderful care of it. Each day, I am becoming stronger, healthier, and fitter.


Laughter releases stress.

Laughter draws me closer to others.

I welcome more laughter into my life today.






Want a FREE workbook to take you deeper in this process? Download my free 7-day “challenge” for speaking life over your body, soul, and spirit, along with a process for creating your own Declarations & Affirmations:


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  1. The Power of Our Words – https://quantumcreativecommunications.com/power-of-our-words/
  2. How sounds going into our ears become words going through our brains –
  3. Words can change your brain –
  4. Doctors Say Your Word Choice Can Hugely Change Your Brain –
  5. How to NOT Let Toxic People, Words or Situations Affect Your Mental Health –
  6. Negative thinking and the power of “No” to change our brains – https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/words-can-change-your-brain/201208/why-word-is-so-dangerous-say-or-hear
  7. Doctors say our word choice can change our brains – https://www.lifehack.org/420483/doctors-say-your-word-choice-can-hugely-change-your-brain
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Kirsten Larsen is a wholeness coach, helping people experience freedom and breakthrough in body, soul, and spirit.

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