Whole Life Freedom – Wholeness Coaching with Kirsten Larsen

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Forgiveness as Medicine: Healing the Body by Freeing the Soul

In all my years of practicing wholeness in any form, forgiveness is one of those topics that I’ve found is rarely taught or practiced and is widely misunderstood.

It’s my belief that the more we understand it, the easier it is to practice, and the more FREE we can all become in our body, heart, mind, and spirit.

I decided to do a fun exploration on the topic though … what are the actual physical benefits of forgiveness?

Did you know that science actually has some pretty amazing things to say about people who practice forgiveness?

In this video, I share some of those findings, as well as a gentle way of walking through forgiveness with Jesus that brings in healing and wholeness.

PS – If you’re interested in walking through a healing meditation on Forgiveness, come check out the Wholeness Meditation experience where you’ll find meditations taking you deeper into body, mind, heart, and spiritual healing.

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Kirsten Larsen is a Christian wholeness coach, helping people get breakthroughs in emotional, physical, and spiritual freedom. She has been walking with God for over 20 years, in ministry, and pursuing physical and emotional health. You can sign up for a Free Discovery session at WholeLifeFreedom.com/schedule

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