Whole Life Freedom – Wholeness Coaching with Kirsten Larsen

Getting Back in the Swing of Things … New Things Ahead!

Hey friends,
As you may have noticed I took quite a break from the blog writing world. Actually, an entire year if you can believe it! 2018 was a very full, very busy year with a lot going on and I needed to make sure I focused on health & rest in the midst of all of it.

I really love to “practice what I preach” so to speak and take space where I need it. There’s definitely no point in striving towards something only to get sick, run down, or even burnt out on something you love. I love the world of health, wellness, and wholeness. We’re all made to be healthy, full of energy, and full of life. So last year became a year of making sure I was giving the best I had give to myself before I could really give out a lot to others.

In the background, I’ve gleaned and learned a lot! I’ve also been working on some very cool projects that I’m excited to share very soon.

Onward and upward we go! Meanwhile, I thought I’d share some things I’ve been sitting on as 2018 came to a close and 2019 started up.

New Things Springing Up

I’ve really felt that 2019 is going to be a very exciting year. I don’t know if you have felt it the way that I have, but I feel a new sense of hope arising. Not just within myself, but all around. It seems to be the “buzz” in the air right now; a general sense of anticipation.

This last year I trained for a marathon (which actually got cancelled a few weeks beforehand, so I quickly adjusted and ran another half marathon instead that weekend). During those long runs, I got to enjoy a lot of time alone, thinking, meditating, and getting new revelation.

As I was running one day, I was looking at all these new budding plants and all of a sudden this flash went through my mind of promises God’s given me, dreams I have had in my heart, and things I’ve hoped for. I saw them as seeds planted.

When you plant a seed, it goes through a pretty thorough process before you ever see it sprout above ground. They need to first receive water and oxygen, as well as have the right temperature which helps them grow roots into the soil before they ever push out into the light.

Things that have been buried deep are going to sprout out like little seedlings finally catching the sun for the first time. The word “breakthrough” comes to mind, but not the cliché use of it; I have more of the sense of things that are already there will be breaking through the ground and become seen.

Of course, we all want to see the plants right away, but there is something quite amazing that happens in the underground growth phase that really can’t be rushed.

It’s the same with promises & dreams. The moment we receive a promise, or a dream, it is a seed that becomes planted inside of us. It needs watering. It needs oxygen. It needs the right environment. Let it flourish inside of you. Don’t let discouragement squash out the air it needs to breathe. When it doesn’t seem to sprout up, don’t worry, but visualize it as a seed that needs tending.

It’s well worth the wait. There have been things I’ve hoped for and dreamed of for years that seemed like the seed went dormant and died, only to see it sprout up suddenly! They always say that hindsight is 20/20, but it’s very true. Looking back, I’m always grateful because of the roots that grew during the time of waiting.

Here’s to the new things springing forth!

Happy New Year!

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Kirsten Larsen is a wholeness coach, helping people experience freedom and breakthrough in body, soul, and spirit.

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